CNR-Sim 3.0 Released

Calytrix Technologies announces the new releases of our Combat Net Radio Simulator (CNR-Sim) v3.0 and Combat Net Radio Logger (CNR-Log) v1.4. CNR-Sim is a low cost pure software radio simulator, providing simulated multichannel radio communications using the Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) network protocol. CNR-Log is an interactive radio logger that records simulated radio transmissions with playback through audio devices and over the DIS network, on the fly conversion to WAVE files and after action review capabilities. CNR-Sim and CNR-Log interoperate with other DIS-compliant radio systems.

This release incorporates the following features:

  • Free version with two simulated radio channels,
  • Base and Pro versions support an unlimited number of simulated radio channels. Pro version includes a formalised SDK, with implementation examples, permitting C++ and JAVA clients to remotely control instances of CNR-Sim. With this feature, CNR-Sim can be the radio comms engine that’s controlled by external specialized graphical panels, such as graphical control panels emulating the faceplates of various specific radios. This remote control ability also permits CNR-Sim to be embedded into special-purpose training devices such as flight or driving simulators.
  • Pro version includes a new VOX (Voice Operated Transmission) feature.
  • Left/Right audio separation assigns two separate radio channels to the left and right audio channels (ie, 2 different radio channels heard in the left and right ears)
  • Per channel control of audio levels in dB.
  • New command line arguments specify:
    • Team Name
    • Log File
    • User Preferences
    • Preset Channels

CNR-SIM_Pro API diagram